What if I don't want recommended spellings?
If you want to create your own spellings for your child, the way is right before your eyes!
With spellings you can get a FREE membership and still be able to type in your child's spelling list.
You can learn spellings anywhere!
With Spellings.co you can take spellings wherever you go!
All you need is one device, and then you can do your spellings in the car, at home or anywhere!
Can I track my child's progress?
Yes! With certain memberships you can track your child's progress!
With premium and pro memberships, you can track your child's progression, and use printables so your child beccomes a spelling master!
What if my child has additional needs?
With Spellings.co You can learn spellings by sight and sound
Everybody learns in different ways. That's why at spellings.co we offer sight and sound learning techniques so that your child can find what works for them.
What if I don't know what spellings to pick?
With premium membership you can get advice!
Get premium membership and your child will have access to our Teachers section where they (and you) will receive advice.